Good Governance: The Vital Role of Community Association Boards


Effective governance is essential for the success and well-being of condominiums and homeowners’ associations. The board of directors, as the governing body of these communities, plays a crucial role in promoting good governance. In this article, we will explore the key responsibilities of the board of directors and how their actions contribute to fostering transparency, accountability, and a thriving community environment.

Upholding the Governing Documents

The board of directors is responsible for upholding and enforcing the governing documents of the community association, such as the bylaws, declarations, and covenants. By ensuring compliance with these documents, the board establishes consistency, fairness, and predictability within the community.

Decision-Making and Policy Development

A fundamental role of the board is making decisions and developing policies that guide the community. The board promotes good governance by engaging in thoughtful deliberation, considering the interests of all residents, and adhering to legal requirements. Clear documentation of discussions and decisions through accurate minutes is essential for transparency and accountability.

Financial Stewardship

Managing the community’s financial affairs is a critical responsibility of the board. This includes creating and managing budgets, collecting assessments, and overseeing financial reporting. The board promotes trust and good governance by exercising fiscal responsibility, conducting regular audits or reviews, and ensuring transparency in financial matters.

Enforcing Rules and Regulations

The board of directors is tasked with enforcing the rules and regulations of the community. This includes addressing violations, resolving disputes, and maintaining a harmonious living environment. Consistent enforcement, done fairly and transparently, fosters a sense of equity among residents and contributes to good governance.

Communication and Transparency

Open and effective communication is vital for good governance. The board should regularly communicate with residents, providing updates, sharing important information, and seeking input. Transparent communication channels, such as newsletters, community websites, and town hall meetings, help build trust and engage residents in community matters. The minutes of board meetings play an integral role in serving as a record of communication and decisions made, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Community Engagement

Encouraging homeowner engagement and participation is key to a vibrant and cohesive community. The board should actively seek input, involve residents in decision-making processes, and create opportunities for involvement through committees or volunteer activities. Engaged homeowners contribute to the community’s success and enhance good governance.

Engaging Professional Expertise

At times, the board may need to seek professional expertise to address complex legal, financial, or maintenance issues. Engaging qualified professionals can provide valuable guidance and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Documenting these engagements in the minutes reinforces the board’s commitment to informed decision-making and responsible governance.


The board of directors plays a pivotal role in promoting good governance within community associations. By upholding governing documents, making informed decisions, managing finances responsibly, enforcing rules fairly, fostering open communication, encouraging homeowner engagement, and seeking professional expertise when needed, the board establishes a foundation of transparency, accountability, and community well-being. Accurate and comprehensive minutes provide a historical record of board actions, enhancing transparency and ensuring that the community’s interests are upheld. Through these efforts, the board contributes to a thriving community where residents can enjoy a harmonious and fulfilling living experience.